Wednesday, September 16, 2009

More great words I'll find it hard to use

Today's word is equally fantastic:

logorrhea \law-guh-REE-uh\, noun:

1. Pathologically incoherent, repetitious speech.
2. Incessant or compulsive talkativeness; wearisome volubility.

Mr. King, who possesses an enviable superabundance of imagination, suffers from a less enviable logorrhea.
-- Michele Slung, "Scare Tactics.", New York Times, May 10, 1981

Logorrhea is derived from Greek logos, "word" + rhein, "to flow."

And today's technology equivalent (taken from the Samtionary):

blogorrhea \blaw-guh-REE-uh\, noun:

1. Writing more on your blog than even your mom really cares to read; turning your blog into an unsightly emo diary.
2. Feeling such an intense urge to share the minute details of your life that your egocentric dispatches spill into Twitter, where they become even easier and more compelling to produce.

I really didn't need to know that at 5:38pm on September 13th Ivanka Trump had "just left the US open..."; that was total blogorrhea.
-- Sam Jewler, to nobody in particular. September 17, 2009.

Blogorrhea is derived from Techie blog, "web-log" + rhein, "to flow."

1 comment:

MookieDC said...

haha oral/verbal diarrhea