Friday, January 2, 2009

First night out

So I'm about to go out on the town with Alison, perhaps also with Pepe and his friends. I met Pepe at the park today. I had gone to the park on a run, and when I finally reached it I saw a bunch of guys running up and down a basketball court. Of course it turned out they were just playing futbol there for lack of a proper field.

But there was one solitary person shooting a basketball on the next court. At first I was hesitant to approach him, but when I saw he was wearing an ''I ♥ New York'' shirt I knew I couldn't go wrong. We chatted for a bit, me understanding about half of what he said. He seemed to be somewhat of an Americaphile. He had worked and studied in Connecticut and he enjoyed not only basketball, but also football! American football! Anyway to make a long story short, I beat him in a close game of one on one, we chatted a bit more, exchanged phone numbers, and went along our separate ways.

Today we had our first session of class. It was four hours long, with one 15 minute break. Profesor Jesús is affable and challenging, certainly a good combination. At times I feel like I might be too good for this class level, but then I realize I can barely understand conversations with actual Mexicans, and °poof° goes the inflated ego.

Language-learning is exhausting. I almost fell asleep several times at the end of class, and I took a nice long nap when I got home. Now it's time to hit the streets.

1 comment:

AER said...

You write that sometimes you think the class is not up to your level. Am I mistaken in thinking that you were tested for individual placement--or is everyone in the program assumed to be at the same level? Also, could a (very) short NIGHT of SLEEP have preceded the class session in which you dozed several times towards the end?